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This tube like device was connected to a bulbous head like structure, the tube is very similar to devices Larson extracted but I do not know if Larson's devices came from inside his ears
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All of these inner ear devices,were ruptured from my inner ear after an agonizing session where I was subject to ultrasonic broadcasts for 24 hours a day. The facial cranial nerves in my jaw
were affected a wisdom tooth was shattered, and my ear swelled shut......I was told via a braodcast to the devices "we are going to give you an earache". I passed out form the pain.
This is a modern technological method of torture, using implants, transmitters and ultrasound.
also refered to as EDOM and RHIC:
RHIC EDOM, Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control & Electronic Dissolution of Memory: